Stollen (Weihnachtsstollen) | frugal feeding

I haven’t been very “good” about my holiday baking (having only made one batch of cookies thus far, but oh, the recipes I am finding are leading me to maybe change this in the near future!  Must give this one a try! Stollen (Weihnachtsstollen) | frugal feeding.    

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The Urban Poser:: 3 Step Honey Caramel (Cane Sugar Free, Casein & Lactose Free)

3 Step Honey Caramel Paleo, Cane Sugar/Casein & Lactose Free Ingredients: 1 can full fat coconut milk (about 1 1/2 cups), Use guar gum free Natural Value for best results 1/2 cup mild flavored honey, I used clover honey optional pinch of sea salt 1 tablespoon ghee* (optional) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract *I purchase THIS… Continue reading The Urban Poser:: 3 Step Honey Caramel (Cane Sugar Free, Casein & Lactose Free)

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Turkey Day 3

Tonight’s leftover turkey dinner was an easy chopped turkey over mashed potatoes with homemade turkey gravy. I made the potatos using turkey stock instead of water, which gave them a nice flavor.  Once they were done, I drained them, used the stock to make the gravy and put the turkey on the gravy to warm… Continue reading Turkey Day 3

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Turkey, Day 2

Today I ventured to make something with the leftover turkey.  I had in mind a turkey pot pie; but really didn’t want to make a mess making the pie crust (no, I will not use the store bought stuff).  So, I made the filling for the pot pie, and just ate that. Chopped carrots, celery,… Continue reading Turkey, Day 2

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My Very First Roasted Turkey!

Yes, believe it or not, but I have successfully avoided making a turkey for the last 30+ years (my whole adult life). Honestly, I have always wanted to make a turkey, but have never had the opportunity.  I usually visit family for the holidays; and am relegated to su chef status.  Therefore, I do a… Continue reading My Very First Roasted Turkey!

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Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Yum! And so very easy to make, especially if you have pumpkin seeds from the jack-o-lantern that you carved for Halloween. I bought two pumpkins post-10/31 for $1.99 each at a local grocery store.  They were Fairy Tale pumpkins, known to be very good for baking.  I didn’t realize how heavy they were – so… Continue reading Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

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